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Not knowing what canyoning/abseiling was just a few short days ago, Steve and I had one of our best days yet.
Yes, I concur. We both have come to the conclusion that as long as we are doing something active, we are happy. Our day canyoning in Dalat definitely fit the bill, putting smiles on both of our faces. Essentially abseiling is descending down a canyon, along with a river, swimming, hiking and when necessary repelling down the steep stuff. We had great guides from Groovy Gecko, who took the worry, or most of it anyway, out of the ropework and subsequent leaps over the falls. The other great thing about our day was hanging with our new friend Danny, whom we met on our way to Dalat, and who shared the back of the bus with us and his wife (six months pregnant) and their two sweet daughters Milly and Daisy. We also had the pleasure of meeting up with a some fellow Americans from Seattle, Beth and Jonathan. I guess it's worth mentioning that the other really pleasant aspect of this kind of journey is all the other travelers you meet along the way. It is really nice sharing stories, suggesting hotels and restaurants, and just having a sense of being in this sometimes challenging adventure together.
I think it would be legal, but no one would do it out of fear of being sued.