Thursday, September 16, 2010

Annapurna Circuit, Nepal 9/17-10/2/2010

We flew into Kathmandu yesterday after a long day of traveling and an uneventful night in the Delhi airport. We spent the day running around Kathmandu getting prepared for the start of our Annapurna trek tomorrow. We will be taking a hiatus from posting for the next couple of weeks as internet access is fairly spotty and expensive on the trek. But we should have lots of fresh material when we reach our destination in Pokhara on 10/2, just in time for birthday cake for Steve. Namaste.


  1. Oh, I'm so jealous, and happy for you two guys who are about to tackle what is probably the best trek in the world, surrounded by those magnificent mountains. Have a great time, I look forward to seeing your pics at the end of this new adventure.

  2. what will your elevation be on your Annapurna excursion. man, do i so want to be doing that with you right now!! Can't wait to read and hear the stories.
